Friday, September 16, 2016

Slave to the Grind:
Blood Sucking Freaks (1976)
Bloodsucking Freaks Movie Poster.jpg 

What a movie to start doing this on. The film is not for the easily offended even to this day. This film is about a sadistic show put on by an Anton Lavey body double a perpetually smiling dwarf, and a slew of assistants that never speak. the body double known as Sardu is truly convinced his work is art. What his work is is torturing nude women on stage under the guise of an act. he even invites the crowd to believe it is real if they want and will take offense to anyone suggesting it's a trick, to me this is the crux of the film. Sardu's desire to be acknowledged as an artist particularly a critic named Creasy Silo who despises Sadru and company's shows but still attends them to heckle. after the show consisting of tightening an "Iron Tourniquet" around a woman's skull and killing her. Sardu orders his dwarf assistant Ralphus to kidnap Creasy and imprisons him saying if he acknowledges his art he will be let go. he adamantly refuses so Sardu takes this as challenge to put on his best show yet a ballet. Another one of the audience members of this show were a famous Quarterback and his ballerina girlfriend. So Sardu kidnaps the ballerina and imprisons her in hopes she will acquiesce to preforming in this ballet of his. In order to convince her to preform he and Ralphus preform acts of torment upon several, and again nude, women that he keeps in his basement. this brings us to our subplot Sardu is in the white slavery trade and trains women to be sold on the black market as well as to be used in his shows giving him a near endless supply of victims. The QB as he is referred to in the film hires a crooked cop in hopes of finding his girlfriend. This cop mentions that Sardu does have a rap sheet a mile long and has been under suspicion for a long time the cops, including him, are just so crooked they don't care. Even to the point the cops gets Sardu to confess to him only to blackmail him collect the money and then notify QB. Back to the theater Sardu and Ralphus tortures are wide, varied, and, often nonsensical. The don't just torture in front of their captive to motivate them they do it at random even while alone. though one could argue they save the more sadistic ones for infront of the ballerina, such as stretching to death on a St. Andrews cross, having a girl hold the rope of her own guillotine in her mouth while being caned, and chainsawing the feet off of her rival. The ones they do in private are more whimsical, in dark dark way, nature such as using a woman's ass as a dart board with her anus being the bulls-eye, a game of backgammon with severed body parts as the currency, and using his slaves as a dining table. it should be mentioned Sardu also enjoys when people torture him as well. this trip down inquisition style lane also includes minor character who is the only true blood sucking freak. When the ballerina nearly dies they surprisingly call the doctor who treats her and brings her back to health when asking about payment is offered an alternative compensation to do what he will with one of the slaves an offer that creepily excites him. he has a women tied to a chair and asks for oral satisfaction so to speak. She says she will and won't bite but the doctor decides to remove her teeth anyway. after a cut and what I'm assuming getting what he asked for he decides on brain surgery for his "patient" inserting a power drill into her skull until all the brain matter is destroyed and sucking up through a straw like a milkshake. After this for some reason Sardu sends Ralphus to dispose of him, my guess is he didn't like the doctor's performance or he was jealous of his creativity either way he's dead. Sardu finally breaks the ballerina and gets her to agree to his show. Meanwhile the critic Creasy goes on a hunger strike and QB and the cop stop in to see the ballerina after reading in the paper that she will be performing. Sardu reluctantly agrees to letting her see him but she's has been entirely brainwashed and doesn't tell him a thing. The cop however beats the truth about the slavery out of Sardu when the QB isn't around and does the aforementioned blackmailing. He reveals the truth to QB after he is paid and while he is watching the show. she dances then strips while the critic is tied to a column and supposedly beat him to death while dancing. QB and the cop break in afterwards discover all the slaves among other things, rescue the ballerina and incapacitates both the assistant and Ralphus. They walk in on Sardu having sex with the corpse of Creasy are obviously disgusted and tie him to the St. Andrews cross. The cop discovers that all of Sardu's money is kept in the cage with the slaves who are basically feral at this point and foolishly tries to get it releasing all of the slaves and gets himself eaten by them. They then turn their attention to Sardu and his cohorts devouring and decapitating them during which Sardu laughs and acts kinda like he wanted this all along. Meanwhile the QB and ballerina start leaving when QB says that Sardu is dead she bludgeons him to death with a maul and runs off screaming "I'm coming master". the film ends with shots of Sardu and companies heads and giant psychedelic dance with the cannibalistic slaves while one of them eats a sandwich with what appears to be a penis as the meat.

This film is just fucked in so many ways its impossible to describe thoroughly but I will try. It was intended to be a comedy which you can see with the over the top gore that looks like red paint, the sense of humor with the games Sardu and Ralphus play, The crooked cops extreme greed, and the dick sandwich ending. So I can see that and some of those are pretty funny in concept. but the way the film is shot so straight, overexposure to nudity, the use of S&M incorrectly, kinda makes you so uncomfortable you can't even see any humor until you think about it later. This is a film that if someone walked in on you watching they might think differently about you in the future. There was this whole thing with Women Against Pornography and yes this film feels very very misogynist but the captors do suffer at the women's hands at the end and I swear you can see some of them laughing while they rattle against the cage. So I don't think the filmmakers were trying to be anti-women but it does come off that way. Also of note the actor that played Sardu (Seamus O'brien) was stabbed to death by a burglar and the actress that played the ballerina (Viju Krem) was shot on a hunting trip.

Should you see the film?: depend on what you can handle if you were fine with "I Spit On Your Grave" or "Ichi The Killer" or some other amazingly violent and dark film you will be fine and might even like it, as for everyone else stay far away or start developing a tolerance with less screwed up films.

Did I like the film: As a whole no it's put together badly and every time I felt I possibly wasn't corrupting my soul with the vileness of whats on screen something else happened to destroy that possibility. That being said I do have a soft spot for over the top filth and this has its moments of pure that was insane in a good way. If this was released as short segments of Sardu and Ralphus scenes I would probably see more humor in it and might be on board waiting to see what these guys would play next in their sick games.

Conclusion: This film is pretty interesting in its controversy both in the real world and inside your own head. So if you watch it prepare to be conflicted and confused.            

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Ramblings on Happiness

I've never been a Happy person this is fact so maybe that's why I don't understand everyone's preoccupation with finding it. My entire life all I've heard about is attaining everlasting joy or following your bliss. And if that works for you that's fine do what you do. If those are the goals you choose to set for yourself that is great for you. Just don't expect me to come along for the ride. It's not that I dislike Happy people or am jealous or something like that. I just find maintaining that and watching others forcibly maintain that exhausting. Maybe that's on me for thinking that but flying that high all the time makes you look like you are burning whatever other emotions you may have and are using them to propel it. And it brings me to a question no one including myself can answer: What's so interesting about being Happy? Most of what drives my actions are Interest and Fear. and seeing as covered thoughts about fear and yes a fear of being happy has occurred to me before I will focus on Interest. Interest as it works in my mind is a compelling feeling to find out about, research, and try to understand a subject. how I feel about the subject is at most times irrelevant but whatever I feel about it is strong. And while I understand everyone has different tastes and such I'm not talking about a form of media or your family or politics. I'm talking about a lack of interest in ones own emotions. Of this I stand accused by my own mind. The answer I have for this of which I have no evidence or proof of is simply a lack of time coupled with a less than usual response. Let me attempt to Illustrate. They say both Love and Rage are blind meaning they are sensed rather than reasoned with so if you literalize that for all emotions feeling things is like standing in a dark room. You try and walk around but simply bump and bang into things. This is how and what you feel. You stub your toe on the nightstand of Anger, hear the smashing glass of Fear, and smell the horrible cooking from across the hall of Ambivalence. And yes I consider Ambivalence and emotion not the lack thereof. That is Apathy of something I am intimately familiar with. if you had the time and patience you could identify all of your emotions sense by sense pang by pang. But no one has time for that so you prioritize whatever hits you strongest and rarely ever get to the weakest. That for me is the pin drop of Happy. I'm sure there are others with similar reactions to it but focus on that light vibration to such a degree it's consuming. I urge you to look at things this way and tell what do you really feel strongest about? is Happiness 1st, 2nd, 12th, or does it not really even place like in my case. I don't really find that to be a problem. Sure it has some nasty personality side effects but so does every variation of this thought experiment. I offer Contentment as an alternative to the search for Happy. For me it's a more attainable goal that allows me to focus more on what makes me tick without the withdrawal symptoms of being lost without Happiness. Just realize it address any over-imbalances and leave it alone. To be clear this is by no means a perfect system and if you need support to get stable either chemical or emotional do it. As you may have guess I am on several antidepressants that keep me from exploring the deep dark depths of the void to harmful levels. In fact implemented this new goal of Contentment to keep focus and it helps. This article though sardonic and and sarcastic in parts, in fact I'd call Humor my 3rd strongest emotion, is not to be taken as a war on Happy. Like I said whatever works for you and for all I could prove I could be enunciating directly from my rectum. It's just a thought experiment to explore thing with. So as last time I will leave you with a question: Are you really that Interested in being Happy?                       

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Just got back from the premier of Rob Zombie's latest film "31". Now if you went in to see a beautifully crafted piece of horror film making you will be disappointed. However if you go in looking for trashy exploitation film well do I have good news for you. this film is so entrenched in the grindhouse feel of things that it made me laugh most of the way through it's not subtle or unpredictable it's a junkheap of a carnival ride that just wants to entertain you in the same way, I mean the main protagonists are carny workers that honestly until you see the human garbage they're stacked up against would be the people you wouldn't mind see dying. but that's what I liked they said you know what we don't need to make them likeable just make their fate so messed you would go no one should have to go through that. the villain's or "heads" as they're referred as are gloriously depraved and more set-pieces for messed up deaths than characters. you ever wanted to see a Nazi midget clown that speaks Spanish sometimes stab a guy? well now you can. and that's the whole idea you ever want ____ to happen to ____ while ____ happens? and its just these ideas strung together through a game of death. while Malcolm McDowell clad in dandy garb bets with his fellow weirdos about the evenings festivities. for me personally Richard Brake stole the show as Doom-head nearly everytime he was on screen I laughed and just waited for whatever sick thing burst forth from his mouth. this movie doesn't challenge you or bring forth any new concepts ,but for me it didn't need to it just needed to entertain me. so if your looking for some new thing to haunt your nightmares look elsewhere. if your looking for captivating overblown exploitation goodness this will suit your needs just fine